Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 2:Fear of Where Will the Money Come From

Photo is from Desteni Artist on Facebook.

I woke up today in a good mood then I remembered that I have to get it together for school work. I went into mind back chat about "If I don't get this done I will not have money.. then what will I do? I am going on 59yrs now and what will I be able to do for money. Our whole life is motivated by money to survive.
I realized that whining about in my mind is just taking me away from the moment and into fear. I actually like to work, but when your work is dependent on what another thinks - meaning they decide if it is okay enough for you to get "money" of course fear comes.

These post are about seeing our mind and back chat and how we abuse ourselfs and others with our thoughts. And applying the Desteni Principles of Self Forgiveness and self corrective statements.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be present HERE and to worry about doing school work and will it be good enough to pass my course.

I forgive  myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the world that we have created.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be part of a world that only cares about money and not a world that support life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not like to work because I have accepted and allowed myself to equal work with money.

I also realize that having money at this time is the only way one can survive in this world and to make a change in this world. Thus I remember that with money I can support myself to support those who are dedicated to making a change that will allow life to Lived in equality and not have and have nots. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear money and have made it separate from me as a point of stress and survival

When and if I see myself going into the mind back chat with fear of money, I stop in that moment and Breath, I stable myself HERE as Breath and realize that this fear is not useful as it only puts me in a place of self pity and worry thus I am not fulfilling my potential as Life. 

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