Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 87 4th of July Independence Day – We the People

English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July
English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I forgive myself that I am angry and frustrated that I am turning 60yrs old next month and this world has only gotten worst. And that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that by the time I was this age that we as human nature would have developed into a world were we cared about each other and the earth that we live on. Where wars has stopped and we grew past this to where we support life and not live by the god of greed and take and started instead to give to one another in support of the glory of life for All.  

I forgive myself that I am angry and frustrated that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that I had no idea to the extent that the leaders that are put in office to run our world are controlled and run by cognitive disinformation, greed and corruption against the people that they are sworn to protect. That as I was growing up I put my faith in the government and God to care about the people and nature, but now see how faith has failed us – and that I blindly accepted and allowed myself to believe that corruption would just magically stop.

I forgive myself that I did not see these things and did not believe it was my place or that I could make a difference and just wanted to believe that god and government would do the right thing. I thought as long as me and my surrounding friends and family were okay that I was looked on favorably by god with the “hope” that we would be okay – even though there were awful atrocities going on in other parts of the world – not even seeing that even in my country before I was born that many Indians were slaughtered and that inequality was practiced to make way for the corruption by the Elite.

I am amazed that WE THE PEOPLE are the 99%, and that we have just accepted and allowed the brainwashing of those with the “Money”(1% Elite) which we have accepted and allowed to = Power over us, to not use our common sense, but we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be manipulate by irrational emotions which the few new how to use against us for their personal agendas. Thus within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be a sheeple and follow the crowd being led to the slaughter when in I did not see or realize that it is up to us to change –  to not accept and allow abuse and greed to be our god.

 We Must start to see how absurd this is – that we allow 1% to rule and make laws that do not support life but only their personal agenda in mind. We must start to see that the Elite have NOTHING if they DO NOT HAVE US! Who goes and fights their wars! Wars promoted by propaganda that we have accepted and allowed ourself to believe because they know how to use words that evoke emotions in us towards their agendas.

We must start to SEE that IF we want A better world – a better place for Our Children to Live and be Proud of, that we the 99% are the ones that must and can make this possible. What are we afraid of to make a stand? That our liberties will be taken away? Who will take them away? Who will let them take them away? OMG this can stop in a minute so to speak if WE THE PEOPLE WOKE UP and said NO MORE ABUSE. We will only support laws that take all of life into consideration and to where LIFE is Honored and Not destroyed for Profit. The Elite sold us the bill of goods – that profit above all else is what will insure life – As we are seeing now – this is not So. We have become destroyer of life on Earth, our home.

Take a stand – support the Basic Income Grant. It is a start to show life that giving is the way to receive. 

The section below is From:

"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"

 As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

 Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril. This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth. 

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on? Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else? 

 Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant) In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed. 

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support: 

Join us at Desteni
Read Journey to Life Blogs
Invest in EQAFE interviews
Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills Support

 - Equal Money System
 - Equal Life Foundation
 - Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation
"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"

As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril.  This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth.

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on?  Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else?

Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant)

In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed.

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support:

Join us at Desteni

Read Journey to Life Blogs

Invest in EQAFE interviews

Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills

Support - Equal Money System - Equal Life Foundation -

Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation - See more at:

"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"

As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril.  This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth.

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on?  Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else?

Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant)

In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed.

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support:

Join us at Desteni

Read Journey to Life Blogs

Invest in EQAFE interviews

Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills

Support - Equal Money System - Equal Life Foundation -

Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation - See more at:

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