Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 95 People and Porn or Sex on Crack

anti-pornography in China
anti-pornography in China (Photo credit: Tricia Wang 王圣捷)
What I have notice with people who watch a lot of porn is that they are not HERE. I mean when you talk to them, or try to communicate with them, it is like they have this haze in their eyes. They don’t really see you. It is like something is going on in the back of their minds distracting them from being present with you or with something they are doing. It is quite frustrating really. They are living in a fantasy world within their mind and miss out on real communication. Now this can also happen when one is distracted with worry or other issues, but they will usually talk about it. But when one is a porn watcher they really do not want to be disturbed out of their fantasy of picture presentations, and they think or want it to be real life. That is why there is so much divorce over porn use. I also think some feel guilty and thus project there anger towards others because of the conflict that watching porn can cause.

This is one static about Porn:
“At the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a gathering of the nation’s divorce lawyers, attendees revealed that 58% of their divorces were a result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of pornography online.”

I never liked Porn, I thought it degrading to both men and women. But there are even consequences for those who don’t watch it. For example I felt judged by others because I did not like it, feeling maybe there is something wrong with me? I became confused and even intimidate by sex because of how it was portrayed in Porn Videos. I know that today many kids are most likely made fun of it they don’t watch it. And people forget or choose not see that Porn is a money making industry, which will prey on anyone no matter who they hurt. They will glorify it to young men and women to make money. Instead of being taught how to really communicate and share intimacy with each other, children are now thinking that Porn is The Norm. They are thinking this is what sex is about. Porn is causing over stimulation resulting in a decrease of fulfillment. Like any addiction, you must have more and more, because your highs are harder to fulfill

You must see that these Porn actors are really going through; this is show in a video that was made by 2 Ex porn actors.
Two Ex Porn Stars Uncover the Truth About Porn 

And this is another problem that is happening as the results of Porn.
How Porn is Affecting the Libido of the Male

Porn should be see for what it is, Sex on Crack – It is legally being sold, just like drugs to Kids and Adults and the goal is to get you hooked so they will keep making money from you. What is that saying? Anything for a buck, sorry about your luck.
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