Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 34: Fear I cannot let go of my personality

 Fear I cannot let go of my personality.

 So what is my personality? Well this one I am feeling would be called fear I can not change – Or fear of change?

 I forgive myself that I am accepting and allowing myself to believe that I can not change

 I forgive myself that I have been accepting and allowing myself to follow the mind thoughts of how can I change who I have always been? I don’t even know how to be anything different.

 I forgive myself that I am accepting and allowing myself to believe that I don’t know how to be anything different than who I have always been.

 I forgive myself that I am accepting and allowing myself to follow the thoughts of it is too hard to change who I have always been

 When and if I go into the thoughts of it is too hard for me to change which then causes a fear that I will die again as the same person who is stuck in a time loop of personalities created by the mind to protect its illusion – I stop and realized the mind is wanting to protect itself though using fear as a way to immobilize me/people to not change. Thus if I am in fear that I cannot change – I am stuck in that fear and can only see that and thus do not change.
 Thus when and if I see myself going into to FEAR – I see it is a (f)alse “EAR – meaning I stop listening to the falseness of this mind created illusion of fear. I stop listening as I h(ear) the (F)eedingEAR.

 I am also seeing that there is a personality that does not want to change – That says it is too hard- why bother, it is not fun, you could be doing something else.. blah, blah.

 I also see that I have said I want to change, I want to stand for Life – That meaning to me is to stop living as a mind program, but I judge or have reservations of what that really is, or more – it is me accepting and allowing the mind to make it a confusion and thus within confusion I do not act as I am spending time arguing within myself as what it is. Lol

 Thus I forgive myself that I have been accepting and allowing myself to listen to the mind stories of polarity, good, bad, right wrong, and believing that I have to identify it all to make a decision of if I should stand. Thus again the mind creating con-fusion. Using con artists way of bullshit fuzzy logic to keep us fused to the Mind.

 When and if I see myself going into debate within myself as a form of confusion over what it means to stand – I stop – I stand. I do not accept and allow the con.

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 Great blogs to assist with this >> "Looking for More of Myself " from Heaven´s Journey to Life and "Stepping out of Character" from the Creations Heaven Journey. 

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