Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 91 Self Discovery – Why do we feel alone? Paranoia of feeling alone

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

We are the only species that do not work together for the good of the whole!

Every other life form on this planet works together for the survival of their species. We do NOT. We work towards our personal individual self fulfillment, self glorification and gratification – No wonder we feel alone. The consequences of this is destruction, which is becoming more and more evident in our world. We kill all species, including our own for self glorification and gratification.

We have been taught that in the eyes of God we are special – Even though many do not feel that. We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are special. So we can make sense of our lives. We have to go to gurus, self help seminars, spiritual channels, religions and churches that all tell us we are special and to remember that! Are we really that insecure???

I think our insecurity is because we have separated ourselves from each other so much that we feel completely alone. And then search for some sort of personal fulfillment. We want to believe we are special; we want to believe that we are better than what our world shows us. But what is really going on is; We feel alone and are insecure because we are a threat to ourselves.

Our motto in life is “How can I get ahead? Think about it – ahead of what? “Get ahead of the game” is a slogan. The game of what??? Wanting to win, wanting to be special. If you’re not ahead – you are not special.

We are so programmed that we accept this as normal behavior. We have accepted and allowed the idea that we must get ahead to be our life’s purpose- that we have no rules at all! All is fair in Love and War type of mentality. Where we get applauded for our cunningness, our lying and manipulation to get ahead of the game. Where we accept that killing others to get ahead is okay. We are killing our own species along with others to get ahead. No wonder we feel alone, we are taught that it is okay to me mean, lying and deceptive to get ahead.

What a shame. Really. I am ashamed of our species; I am ashamed of Us as a whole. We give money to all those gurus, self help seminars, spiritual channels, religions and churches, not to mention the money we spend on body building, gyms, face and body lifts, cosmetics, cloths so we can feel special, not to lose our specialness. And all of this that we pay for, is the reason we feel alone. These types of things have not helped us, only separated us further and further from life.

And if we are honest with ourselves, we are all afraid, even if we have all we desired, all the money to make our dreams come true – in our hearts we are still afraid. Why? Because in our hearts we do not trust our own species, we are threatened by our own self and behavior because we have accepted and allowed a dog eat dog world. No wonder we feel alone and afraid in our secret mind, the part we don’t talk about. We fear our own selves. This is the secret no one talks about – The secret to life.

Desteni is the only group that I know of that has told the truth, there are a few individuals who have tried, Jesus and some others, but we did not listen. We did not want to give up our specialness, we did not want to give up our addiction to the energy high of self gratification. We thought that was life – that feeling of self gratification at any cost.

We were too blind by the feeling to see the consequences. This is why Desteni is feared – because they tell the truth about us – no specialness, they do not make money by telling you that you are special and telling you all you need to do is love yourself. They tell you that if we do not change this believe/idea that we should be special above all else, that this idea is the exact thing that is causing all the abuse and suffering in this world. All the unfairness and inequality that is causing massive abuse in this world, our need to feel special has manifested as greed, slaughters, wars, unconcern for other life forms, rapes and abuse.

Well maybe this is how we evolve – how we learn about consequences, we have to experience our own suffering, our own destructive creations before we will consider what is best for the whole. And start to see and realize that what is best for the whole is best for us.

I think if we stared worked together for the good of the whole, we would not feel alone, we would have what we are all spiritually looking for – Unity.

Desteni is offering suggestions for solutions to work together as a whole. To stop our addiction to the idea of specialness that has destructive consequences: 

So if you are ready to give up your specialness and start to make a difference in our existence, start to create a species that is worthy of life - Join us, work together with us - We cant wait for God - God gives us life - what we do with it is up to us. 

Join Desteni the specialness busters, Get your WAKE UP CALL – get involved – The world will not change unless we change it Together. None are free until All are free.

Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation

"because war will nolonger necessary to keep capitalism going"


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Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 90 Is Desteni a Scam? My 5 + year Investigation - Part 1

Wild birds in the early morning, flying up after eating all the chicken food at the ‪#‎DesteniFarm ‪#‎wildbirds ‪#‎SouthAfrica ‪#‎KwazuluNatal ‪#‎Nature ‪#‎Animals
First of all I will identify my conclusion of what a “scam” is from my own personal experience with it. A scam is a group or individual that wants only your money and will not give you anything of real value in return. They make promises to you that you will benefit from sending in your money or buying something that will enhance your life. Many times you will get absolutely nothing in return as they will run off with the money, like investment scams or you will get a shoddy product of no value or worth.

My name is Adele Caskey, I was born in August of 1953 in Youngstown, Ohio. And I stumbled upon Desteni in the year of 2007; Thu Sep 13, 8:42 pm is when I joined their first forum. I am specific with the date because I had to go to the old forum to see actually how long I have known about Desteni.

What started my investigation with Desteni was when a friend emailed me this video to watch. And it was uploaded by Desteni. The video intrigued me so I watched a few more and then I went to their forum and started reading posts. I was very skeptical, as I am cautious because I have learned not to trust anyone really, that most things are just opinions that usually benefit the person saying them and are not necessarily true, or something they heard somewhere else and have not even investigated for themselves the validity of such ideas or statements.

So I am a skeptical person and I still investigate for myself everything that is presented from Desteni. In fact what I really admire and found refreshing is that Desteni actually wants you to and challenges you to investigate everything Desteni says for yourself! Now – this is what makes Desteni a cut above anything else I have heard out there. If this was a scam would they tell you to investigate them? Would they tell you to visit the farm and see for yourself? And I did visit the farm for 3 months in 2009.

I can not say in a few words the value I have gained from meeting these people, As the value is personal, personal self empowerment through understanding true self honesty. And it is a process, a process of self discovery that I have never experienced before and one that can only experience for yourself.

I am writing this article because there are those out there in the world that are trying to discredit Desteni and now they are saying it is a scam. LOL – I just have to laugh because of the absurdity of a certain type of people that have to promote disinformation. I don’t know why they do this, is it insecurity or wanting to appear knowledgeable, are they getting paid for it as disinformation trolls? There are actually people who get paid to misinform – and I did my own investigation on this, I was shocked, but its true.

So by my definition of a scam, and now let’s put the dictionary definition as well which is 1. a fraudulent scheme; swindle. 2. to cheat; defraud.

I must say and will testify that Desteni has never in my close to 6 years of continuous contact and involvement been or acted in a fraudulent way or have given out any service or products that has not enhanced my life to be a better person for my self and humanity.

Do they ask for money? Yes they do now – I remember back the first few years when I first met them and they asked for nothing. I even suggested you guys do so much for free, you devote all your time to get the truth out and help people with learning how to deal and understand their destructive emotional habits – you should start asking for money to support yourselves. My fear was that they would go away when the money ran out, as everyone needs to buy food and have housing, heath care, and they needed access to the internet to reach people, if they did not have these things then they could not be here to help those who were ready to learn how to make a difference in their lives.

Now they offer products and services that one can pay for, though even now, they still help those who are serious about changing themselves and want to make a difference even if they do not have financial means to contribute.

So, we who know and understand the value of what Desteni is offering, sharing and encouraging us to get involved with as a solution to inequality, want to support Desteni monetarily because we understand we are supporting ourselves as well.

So those few people who are saying Desteni is a Scam, well they have been investigated. And most of them have never investigated what Desenti is about. They have taken a few sentences out of context from the forum or a video and placed them with the starting point to discredit Desteni on purpose. And then they have this fraudulent following that they get by promoting unjustified fear to them. We had a forum where we were discussing ways to support the Group finically so we can continue supporting people, and I know there were a few that were on that forum that decided Desteni was not for them and so they felt, to feel better about themselves, they would discredit Desteni. And then there are others that are paid dis-informants, they are suppose to divide, by spreading misinform on any group that wants equality, as equality will threaten their hold of power that they have over people.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 89 Military Soldiers, Secret Suffering – Imagine

 Last night I when out to a small neighborhood club with a friend to hear her sing. I do not go out like this much anymore, but my friend came from out of town to visit so we went out. This morning I woke up with a fear and discouragement because I saw that every person there was asleep in the program. I mean I have seen this before, but somehow today it stuck me hard and scared me. I was the only one not drinking and there were military boys there who had seen and experienced horrible things while deployed to Iraq and other places. One boy bought 8 shots of whiskey, one for each of his friends that died while deployed and wanted all of use to drink one shot for each of his friends, that night was the anniversary day that they died. I pretended to drink mine, so someone else drank it.

Then to my surprise a friend that came to see my friend sing started to talk to me about what happened to him when in Iraq, he was shaking and getting stuck in his speech as he was coming up to the part of the story that changed his life forever. He started to cry as he was telling me; I just tried to gently encourage him to continue to share with me what happened, so he could tell his story. It was just me and him. Today my heart is breaking, as I saw this poor boy scared for life in his mind of what he had witnessed while there.
I saw his eyes even before I even heard his story, they were in a far off place as it looked like he was staring at the walls, he could not look others in the face for long and had a constant twitching of his legs, as now I see he was in his imagination of the events he had witness, like trying to make sense of them, and an emptiness that haunts me when I think about his eyes. And I think my god, I see this all the time on short clips in the news or more in depth in documentaries, of the slaughter that happens in wars. It is just pictures I see.

This person who talked to me was real in my presents, telling me what goes on in wars, and I see how so many young boys are scared for life. I think he actually saw how he accepted and allowed himself to be manipulated by the military, and I think he was ashamed and did not know how to deal with that. He mentioned he went into the military to help his brother, because they tell the soldiers that are sent home for a break, that if you can not recruit someone in a certain time frame that you will have to go back to Iraq and not get your full time off. So he thought he would pretend to want to join the military to help his brother get more time, but he ended up signing the papers to join the military.

This was hard to listen too, what our military does to people, with no support or carrying at all about life. And how helpless these young people must feel because there is no where to turn, to tell their story, none of it is supported and meant not to be told. And it makes people very uncomfortable to listen to this kind of suffering, so I can imagine that these boys might feel alone in the world. Imagine if they put true stories like this everyday on the news instead of bullshit entertainment. As I am writing this my heart feels broken as I cry with him, as I feel and experience the frustration of what we have accepted and allowed our existence to turn into.

The heartbreak was like a quantum vision I had when hearing his story, not just his story, but I saw and felt, the millions if not billions of people who suffer witness to these horrifying slaughters of human life in the name of war.
The fear that I felt was an inner feeling of the extensiveness of the programming, because I saw every person in the club being the program, exposing my own program, everyone accepting and allowing and trying to find a way in theirs minds to... accept and allow war. Like sorry brother, you had to experience that, lets have a drink.

The frustration was how can I help? The frustration that why can we not just say I will not kill for you anymore. The frustration that those words are so clear and simple - but we do not say it.

I imagine this boy’s life and billions of others who have witnessed the insanity of war, and I realize how they must dread waking up in the morning, only to everyday relive the absolute unimaginable images of great suffering and heartache that they will continually live with.
Maybe we need to first Imagined how much suffering really is going on in the world instead to suppressed and hide it, and then we can start to change this existence to one that is best for all. But I know how we think – we have no time to worry about others, I have to take care of myself and family and hope that does not happen to us.

I don’t know if all soldiers will admit they feel like this, you know it is taught that is weak in a Man and true “solider,” but if you look in their eyes you can see they are hiding and suppressing how they feel or covering it up with justifications that we get and accept from propaganda telling us that our war is honorable.

I think if we imagined these things happening to us – we could wake up and start to support changing the system to one that supports All of Life.



Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation

"because war is no longer necessary to keep capitalism going" See rest of quote below

 Join Desteni the system busters, Get your WAKE UP CALL – get involved – The world will not change unless we change it Together. None are free until All are free.

"Furthermore within a system of Basic Income Guaranteed, the products created must be within the context of preserving resources in the World and therefore it must be engineered to last as long as possible, because the added value to a product which is the basis of creating a sustainable economic system, is the labor point and that one equates mathematically; and by having all the information available about everyone and having what is available in the world within the planned model, one can plan exactly what needs to happen with every product, moving in the system to ensure that in the end, every person on Earth has got an effective Basic Income Guaranteed and those that want to earn more can do so and become wealthy, if they want to. This way capitalism survives, ingenuity becomes beneficial and the deception and illusion that is created through public relations and the public lie of obsolescence disappears and the world resources become sustainable, the use of energy becomes sustainable, the economy becomes sustainable and peace and harmony becomes sustainable because war is no longer necessary to keep capitalism going." Bernard Poolman

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 88 What is “What is best for All?”

The Equal Right of future generations to receive a living planet free of pollution, disease, hunger, violence and destruction so that life shall endure and thrive into eternity now and forever. 

Desteni shares the message of living a life that is Best for all Life. 

When I say that to someone I get a look… Like what the fuck does best for all mean? I mean I even ask that question at first. Like huh? It seems to be incomprehensible to people. And then I get the question “Who decides what is best for all?” And the question is not in a curious way or tone, but in a skeptical, cautious and fearful tone.  Like how can someone possibly KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL!

Thus I am seeing that we as a human race never ever considered the idea that something can be best for ALL. The argument is everyone is different, an individual you know, how can someone know what is best for them. What is best for them may not be best for me, type of fear. I mean it creates fear, this idea of doing something with the starting point of what is best for all of life.

And now that this point became clear to me, I think we need to define what, what best for all means. It has to have a definition because the idea of what is means to people now is one of fear. 

So I will then use and example to explain to them what is best for all. So as an example, I would say, when the USA goes to other countries and kills there people and steals their resources – ask is that best for all? No it is not – it is not best for those countries and their people or the land, it is only best for USA, but not really because killing others and making enemies is not best for anyone. Well that is one way I have explained it. Then I say, everyone will decide what is best for all – there will be an equal vote. A bill of rights and laws will be presented, that will protect all of life. And if all of life is happy and taken care of, so are you. So what would be the problem with that?

What fear would you have to that? If it is not best for all, then it would not be put to law.

But still people fear that, they fear that they will not be allowed to do something…One of the fears is “what will you do with people who do not want what is best for all?” Interesting isn’t it? It is like people do not want that rule/law – they don’t trust it!

So then I say it will be voted on as to what to do with those who do not want what is best for all. And some are still in fear. Why?

 People are afraid that having a world that supports what is best for all life will “Take Away Your Right as far as you’re concerned to Acquire Your Own Wealth and Happiness through Consciousness, through Conning Other People. So you’ll Blame the Truth as being a Con, the Truth as Negative, but the Truth is the Truth – You Cannot Change that.” (See more at: http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/#sthash.PrsKDi0N.dpuf)

The truth is that we if we do not share recourses equally with human and nature beings that we are destroying ourselves because we are living against life, not with it. We are taking parts of life and saying this is mine – I can do what I want – and there are consequences – billions are suffering and more to follow.

Could it be We do not trust the word BEST? We have been constantly told what is best for us! Our parents tell us, all the TV commercials and drug companies tells us what is “best” for us and most all of it are lies. No one can tell us what is best for us because usually, when told that it is best for us, the one who is telling you that, is because it is best for them.

 But Desteni uses the term “What is best for All” Not the phrase “what is best” but the phrase “What is best for ALL.”

With all said, I would say that maybe the word “best” might need to be replaced, as all we can see and hear is “what is best” and we don’t trust that, because we know it is deceptive because we do it and use it ourselves… What is fair for all life? No that won’t work; fair has way too many loop holes. It is like it was quoted above – we are taught from birth to think what is best for Us – not for all. So we only look out for ourselves and ignore the state of the world that we have created.
So  we need to get over our self interest fear of living as the starting point of what is best for all, the fear is a program instilled at birth by the sins of our fathers, who did not see or understand the consequences of this type of thinking.
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Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 87 4th of July Independence Day – We the People

English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July
English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I forgive myself that I am angry and frustrated that I am turning 60yrs old next month and this world has only gotten worst. And that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that by the time I was this age that we as human nature would have developed into a world were we cared about each other and the earth that we live on. Where wars has stopped and we grew past this to where we support life and not live by the god of greed and take and started instead to give to one another in support of the glory of life for All.  

I forgive myself that I am angry and frustrated that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that I had no idea to the extent that the leaders that are put in office to run our world are controlled and run by cognitive disinformation, greed and corruption against the people that they are sworn to protect. That as I was growing up I put my faith in the government and God to care about the people and nature, but now see how faith has failed us – and that I blindly accepted and allowed myself to believe that corruption would just magically stop.

I forgive myself that I did not see these things and did not believe it was my place or that I could make a difference and just wanted to believe that god and government would do the right thing. I thought as long as me and my surrounding friends and family were okay that I was looked on favorably by god with the “hope” that we would be okay – even though there were awful atrocities going on in other parts of the world – not even seeing that even in my country before I was born that many Indians were slaughtered and that inequality was practiced to make way for the corruption by the Elite.

I am amazed that WE THE PEOPLE are the 99%, and that we have just accepted and allowed the brainwashing of those with the “Money”(1% Elite) which we have accepted and allowed to = Power over us, to not use our common sense, but we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be manipulate by irrational emotions which the few new how to use against us for their personal agendas. Thus within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be a sheeple and follow the crowd being led to the slaughter when in I did not see or realize that it is up to us to change –  to not accept and allow abuse and greed to be our god.

 We Must start to see how absurd this is – that we allow 1% to rule and make laws that do not support life but only their personal agenda in mind. We must start to see that the Elite have NOTHING if they DO NOT HAVE US! Who goes and fights their wars! Wars promoted by propaganda that we have accepted and allowed ourself to believe because they know how to use words that evoke emotions in us towards their agendas.

We must start to SEE that IF we want A better world – a better place for Our Children to Live and be Proud of, that we the 99% are the ones that must and can make this possible. What are we afraid of to make a stand? That our liberties will be taken away? Who will take them away? Who will let them take them away? OMG this can stop in a minute so to speak if WE THE PEOPLE WOKE UP and said NO MORE ABUSE. We will only support laws that take all of life into consideration and to where LIFE is Honored and Not destroyed for Profit. The Elite sold us the bill of goods – that profit above all else is what will insure life – As we are seeing now – this is not So. We have become destroyer of life on Earth, our home.

Take a stand – support the Basic Income Grant. It is a start to show life that giving is the way to receive. 

The section below is From:

"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"

 As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

 Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril. This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth. 

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on? Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else? 

 Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant) In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed. 

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support: 

Join us at Desteni
Read Journey to Life Blogs
Invest in EQAFE interviews
Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills Support

 - Equal Money System
 - Equal Life Foundation
 - Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation
"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"


As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril.  This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth.

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on?  Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else?

Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant)

In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed.

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support:

Join us at Desteni

Read Journey to Life Blogs

Invest in EQAFE interviews

Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills

Support - Equal Money System - Equal Life Foundation -

Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation - See more at: http://christineannhansen.blogspot.com/2013/06/day-340-every-breath-you-take.html#sthash.LcymXBDU.dpuf

"The Most Important Topic of Our Time"


As I watched this video, presenting information that I was already aware of, I had to keep breathing and bringing myself back Here to my physical body, as the enormity of what we are facing is beyond belief, where one wants to feel 'hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed'.

Yet I see, realize and understand that that is NOT AN OPTION as the very earth which we live on is in great peril.  This is a time for practical solutions which must be implemented in order to SAVE life on earth.

So why do we as mankind not look up and question what is going on?  Is it because we are too busy looking down into our lives, trying to make ends meet financially, not even able to take care of ourselves that we leave the 'taking care of the planet' to someone else?

Let's think BIG! (Basic Income Grant)

In order to come together and come up with practical solutions to our earth in crisis, we have to all be able to move out of survival mode, being able to support ourselves and our families, so that we can then start addressing all the other issues in this world that we have accepted and allowed.

Please investigate these important links for assistance and support:

Join us at Desteni

Read Journey to Life Blogs

Invest in EQAFE interviews

Enroll in Desteni's DIP Lite Course - Learn Essential Life Skills

Support - Equal Money System - Equal Life Foundation -

Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation - See more at: http://christineannhansen.blogspot.com/2013/06/day-340-every-breath-you-take.html#sthash.LcymXBDU.dpuf

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